Metaphysical Meanings of Stones
The information about the properties of the stones is for educational purposes only. This information does not imply a guarantee of effect and is not intended to replace the diagnosis of a certified physician. Please use this information responsibly and spiritually.
Actinolite: amphibole silicate mineral
A shielding crystal – heals the subtle energy body, filling in gaps that result in psychic attack, illness, stress & negativity. Increases self-esteem by getting rid of negative feelings. Become more in tune with nature; our surroundings; and to connect with spirit guides. Good for stress reduction and aiding in proper liver & kidney functions and strengthening the immune system.
Aegirine: a silicate mineral
Helps to remove negative or stuck energies; revitalizes energy; encourages self acceptance, self esteem and self reliance. Cleanses & stimulates the lymphatic system and helps remove emotional blockages.
Agates: a form of Chalcedony (silicon dioxide)
Black: Grounding; protective; calms during bereavement & stressful households. Helps alleviate problems of the bones & joints and pain of the neck or shoulder.
Blue Lace: Communication; clarity; confidence; calming & peaceful. Good for eye infections, ears/nose/throat, swollen glands, colic, asthma, aches, bursitis, bruises, and dental pain & problems.
Dendritic: Growth; change; and wisdom through inner work. Assists with connection to nature and for emotional balance.
Fire (contains limonite and/or iron for flash): A very protective stone with a deep calming energy that brings security and safety. Can give you courage and strengthen your will power. Aids in increasing blood circulation & metabolic rate; reduces fevers and hot flashes, enhances night vision, and assists with healing the stomach and nervous & endocrine systems.
Moss: The most powerful of the agates – promotes stability, persistence & grounding. An abundance stone that is great for gardens to promote growth. Helps relieve symptoms of bacterial & viral infections; chest & lungs; blood & lymph circulation; and dehydration.
Third Eye (Botswana): Wards off the evil eye – protects sensitive people from being hurt. Self-satisfaction. Enhances sexual energy by increasing physical stamina.
Agni Manitie Tektite: Pearl of the Divine Fire
A tektite found on the island of Java, Indonesia. It works with the Solar Plexis to raise your energy levels, creativity, and manifestation. Also, assists with Kundalini Awakening for self-enlightenment. Very grounding and protects from negative energy. Helps to heal the gut.
Alexandrite: Chyrsoberyl
Crystal of contrasts. It opens intuition, creates a strong will and personal magnetism. Rebuilds self-respect. An emotional soother – aids in helping the nervous system, spleen, pancreas, & male reproductive organs.
Amazonite: microlene Feldspar from orthoclase group
Clarifies & improves thinking; balances energies; pacifies & soothes; promotes kindness & practicality. Good for balancing emotions & increasing stamina.
Amber: fossilized tree resin. Copal is younger than Baltic.
Helps the body to heal itself by absorbing & transmuting negative energy into positive energy. Symbol of courage; helps remove energy blockages; protects from negativity. For good luck & success; general healing; joint problems; stomach & kidneys.
Amethyst: Silicon Dioxide (Manganese & Iron give the quartz its purple color)
Stone of the Mind – Protection; purification; enhances psychic abilities; calmness and clarity during anxiety & confusion. Helps with the release of addictions such as alcohol; detoxification; AIDS/HIV; tumors; emphysema; insomnia; ear problems & fainting.
Ametrine: Amethyst and Citrine combo
A very powerful money stone - promotes decisiveness through mental & spiritual clarity. Fights depression and promotes tranquility.
Angelite: Anhydrite (calcium sulfate)
(Do not put in water - it looses its polish if submerged)
Angelic communication; love; releases anger; & increases telepathy. Helps with Inflammation and afflictions of the throat; balances thyroid; & weight control.
Apatite: Fluorine-chlorine-hydroxyl phosphate
Golden yellow: A learning stone; helps clarify your purpose in life and assists in the project from beginning to end.
Blue: Inspirational; enhances psychic abilities and communication.
Green: Knowledge of the heart; relaxation; & revitalization.
Generally, helps heal bones; strengthens teeth; helps joints; & hypertension.
Apophyllite (white, green & orange): Hydrous calcium potassium fluorosilicate
(Powerful enough to clear negative energies out of Quartz crystals) Universal love; perfection; assists with connection between physical & spiritual realms. Good for addictions; fatigue; aching feet; and helps improve eyesight.
Aquamarine: Beryl (beryllium aluminum silicate with iron oxide) Blue, bluish- green, or pale green
Use in deep meditations to be in touch with yourself; peace & serenity; embodies courage & protection; communication; and aids in letting go of past emotional issues. Good for the thymus gland; calms nerves; and aids throat afflictions.
Aragonite: a polymorph of calcium carbonate
Brown: Focus; patience; discipline & reliability. Helps calm night twitches; muscle spasms; and joint aches.
Brown Star cluster: Radiates its energy in all directions; balances & cleanses your surrounding energy; instills confidence.
Blue: Communication; patience; acceptance; combats anger & emotional stress. Intensifies enjoyment in all emotional states; calms and soothes nerves; helps with pain; and strengthens immune system.
White: Spiritual purification; emanates the energies of love, compassion & forgiveness to heal oneself. Helps to heal oneself emotionally.
Astrophyllite: Potassium Sodium Iron Manganese Titanium Silicate Hydroxide (rare titanium mineral)
Self-knowledge & self-acceptance; grounding; calms, & protects; increases sensitivity of touch and perception (excellent tool for acupressure or massage as it enhances awareness of client's needs). When needed, it helps to protect & guide during astral travel & dream time. Good for hormonal & reproductive systems, including PMS & menopausal issues; epilepsy; large intestines; ADD; ADHD; and anxiety.
Aventurine: Quartz (silicon dioxide) with particles of mica, hematite or goethite
Green: Growth; confidence; and stone of luck & chance (put in left pocket when buying lottery ticket or other gambling). All purpose healing stone - for fever; stress; eczema; strengthens eyesight; and treatment of heart problems
Blue: uIncreases vitality; self-discipline; & promotes inner strength. Good for stress and nearsightedness.
Yellow: Balances emotions – great for teenagers.
Red: Assists in creativity; sexuality; strength & determination. Good for helping to equalize blood pressure & helps during the healing phase for cancer.
Peach: Gently increases energy; boosts creativity; & helps with decision making. Good for lungs, heart, adrenal glands & genitalia.
Azurite: Carbonate (oxidized copper)
Stone of Heaven – stimulates the third eye
Promotes insight & vision; creativity; growth & confidence; and communication. Stimulates liver, brain, nerve activity, and thyroid. Aids with detoxification.
Bismuth (lab-grown in Germany & USA): A semi-precious semi-metal – extremely rare occurring as crystals in nature
Transformation; change; relieves feelings of loneliness & isolation. Aids in meditation by staring at the colors and shape of steps. Helps reduce fevers; find new treatments to deal with chronic illnesses; ease the effects of degenerative muscle conditions; and help heal after major surgery.
Bloodstone (Heliotrope): Chalcedony – green jasper with iron oxide
Stone of courage - Purification; strength; courage & vitality. Helps overcome distress; anxiety; and emotional blockages. Good for anemia; menstrual cramps; bleeding; blood pressure; leg cramps; colon; kidneys; and lung congestion.
Brazilianite: Phosphate mix of sodium & aluminum (pale to strong yellow-green)
Embodies a potent energy that relates to Atlantis. Do not misuse this energy! Please use integrity. Aids in manifestation & achieving desires; releases anger & bitterness; aids your awareness of people who take advantage of you; & increases creative abilities especially for musicians, painters & writers. Helps regulate body temperatures; kidney and urinary tract disorders; and may balance hormone production.